Monthly Archives: November 2010

Mediterranean Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

Tonight’s dinner was absolutely amazing! Its a Weight Watchers recipe so I won’t give out the step by step instructions for fear of breaking copyright laws, but it involves:

  1. Bell peppers
  2. Quinoa
  3. Canned fire roasted tomatoes
  4. Kalamata Olives
  5. Chickpeas
  6. Pesto
  7. Feta Cheese


I like to think of myself as pretty creative, but I probably would have never put these flavors together on my own. It rocked my world!

I served the peppers with Green Beans with Carmelized Shallots. My favorite way of doing green beans! Steam them and then saute with a little olive oil and shallots. Mmmm 🙂


Try cooking up this combo of ingredients and see what you come up with!

On another note: I’ve been quite depressed lately. The verdict from the Orthopedic Specialist about my knee was that I have arthritis. He basically told me to take Naproxen twice a day and come back in 8 weeks for injections if I want to.

I haven’t been able to run much at all and I’m in pain every day. Doing the elliptical has been the only semi-bearable source of exercise for me.

I’m not satisfied with what I was told by the doctor and I plan on being aggressive to get more testing done. I don’t think this SEVERE and ACUTE pain is arthritis. I think its something more, although the arthritis may be an underlying condition. I’ll keep you guys updated.


Filed under Injuries, Medical Issues, pictures, Recipes


Life has taken me over in a whirlwind lately and I haven’t had the time or energy to blog.

Briefly …

Just got home from an amazing week in Disney World!

Knee still sucks. I have an Orthopedic appointment on Monday.

Still can’t run. Still doing elliptical for my cardio and thankful that I can at least do that.

Ate meat while on vacation. (More on that later)

Rededicating myself to my healthy lifestyle starting NOW.

See you soon. Life calls.

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