Monthly Archives: May 2011

Food Matters

On days when I’m feeling lazy I really like riding my bike on my indoor trainer. It gives me a chance to watch TV. I definitely watch far less TV nowadays than I ever have in my life.

I didn’t have anything appealing recorded on Tivo, so I searched for something on Netflix to watch while I rode. I found Food Matters.

I expected it to be alot like Food Inc., which I really liked. But it wasn’t. It was very different in alot of ways, but still  very enlightening. It explored some much more radical ideas than other movies I’ve seen, such as megadoses of vitamins for disease treatment. I’m not sure where my stance is on the medicine vs holistic treatment debate, but it definitely gave me something to think about and consider.

Nutrition and healthy living has been on my mind alot lately. I’m realizing that I felt much better both physically and mentally when I was eating a vegetarian diet, but in alot of ways I also felt restricted. I’m looking to find a balance. Ultimately it comes down to what feels right, right now. Right now it feels like the right balance to eat a mostly vegetarian diet, without the strictness of the label of vegetarianism.

I rode 18.5 miles on my bike and then headed out to stock up on healthy foods for the week. I just love all the beautiful colors and healthy foods in my fridge.

For dinner I found this Tempeh Fajita recipe that looked intriguing. I’ve had tempeh before and liked it, but I’ve never cooked it myself.

The combo of soy sauce + pineapple juice for a marinade sounded kinda strange but I gave it a try.

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I grilled it all up on my George Foreman grill.


I originally intended to make this a vegan meal, which would have been easy to do but then I ultimately decided all things in moderation. I added a little shredded cheese and the most amazing mixture of sour cream + sriracha (thai chili sauce) + cilantro + lime juice. Absolutely phenomenal!


Winner winner tempeh dinner!

On a side note: I’m so lucky to have a hubby that is open and willing to trying different things (and enjoys them) especially in the deep south where everyone is brought up on fatty and fried foods.

What a lucky girl I am 🙂


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