Category Archives: products

Quick Food Fixes and My Earth Fare Love Affair

Hellooo Indian food.


Palak Paneer, Vegetable Korma, Indian Rice, Vegan Dumplings.

I have to admit I cheated though.

After a lovely 45-minute Christmas themed spin class this morning at the Y, I headed over to Earth Fare to spend the coupon that was burning a hole in my pocket. $10 off of $50.

I picked up $105 worth of total randomness.


I love that place so much I don’t even care that its ridiculously priced. It brings me pure joy. If its wrong, I don’t want to be right.

Alabama Milk Cherry Icecream Coconut water
Vegan Dumplings Asparagus salad Kale salad
Avocado Hummus Horseradish & Ale spread Vegetable Korma
Honey Delight Cereal Spicy Blue Tortilla Chips Herbal water
Broccoli sprouts PB & Chocolate stars Cannelini Beans
Clif Z Bars Jammy Sammys Whole Weat Flour

So you see, lunch was all pre-packaged ingredients …

Maybe one day I’ll try my hand at making homemade Indian food. Until then atleast I know Earth Fare has my back.

While I was at it I threw some stuff in the crockpot for a quick dinner tonight. I absolutely love crockpot cooking!



Mmmm, Butternut Squash & Black Bean Chili.

Apparently I’m feeling spicy today.

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Life Changing.

The scan barcode option on Myfitnesspal will change your life. Well, maybe not really, but it is pretty cool. It probably also encourages eating pre-packaged, processed food that comes with barcodes. You win some, you lose some.

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So Much To Do!

Aaaah! We are going to Disney World in less than one week. I’m finally starting to get excited. I’ve been too busy lately to even really put any thought into it until now.


But first an update on the knee …

Its been 4 days now since I’ve run which is pretty  much unheard of for me. I don’t think I’ve gone 4 days without running in about a year and a half now.

I have been doing the elliptical in place of running. I have virtually no pain while I’m doing the elliptical. I have still been experiencing some dull pain and aching in general though. It isn’t the same sharp, “I can barely walk because my knee keeps locking up” pain that I felt before, so I guess that’s good. I was really hoping by now the pain would have gone away completely though.

I want to run again. Nothing is the same. But I will give it atleast a full week (which will be Tuesday) and more time if needed. It might be time to see a doctor soon.

Back to the fun stuff …

In preparation for our Disney trip I bought this:

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I’ve been wanting one anyway, so this seemed like the perfect time. I can make healthy snacks to have on our long car trip. It should be delivered today.

I’m hoping to make:

  • banana chips
  • dried strawberries
  • sweet potato chips
  • apple chips

I have so much to do before this trip. I really need to start a list so I don’t forget something important.


What is your take on these type of devices …


Tim and I have both always agreed that we would never use a “leash” on our child. Tim is adamantly opposed to it, but I am now considering it for Disney World. I want my child to be able to walk around without me being scared that I’m going to lose him in a crowd.



Filed under Food, Parenting/Mommy Blogging, pictures, products, travel, vacation

The Meal I’ve Been Craving …

I’ve been thinking about this meal for about a week. I found this little packet of seasonings way back in my cupboard and it got me all excited.


Spicy Peanut Bake!

Tim and I used to LOOOVE this stuff on boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Its like Thai “Shake n Bake”, but way awesomer!

When I first found the packet I thought, “too bad we’ll never eat this again”. I started to throw it out, and then I realized I could try it on tofu.

Another thing I have been craving is okra and tomatoes. Although I’ve never really eaten okra and tomatoes in  my life, and probably wouldn’t have unless I was forced … I tasted some at work a couple weeks ago and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head.


I decided to combine my cravings into one meal, along with some yellow squash that I’ve been needing to use up.

With the squash I normally sauté it in olive oil with onions and season it with lemon pepper, but today I wanted to do something different but still simple. I used this recipe.

The results:


Kind of a mushy looking lunch. But I swear it was good!

The star of the show was actually the okra and tomatoes. The tofu was good, but the seasonings were sweeter and not as spicy as I remember it being (maybe because its been in my cabinet for over a year?).

I’m taking the leftovers to work for dinner. 🙂

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Filed under Food, pictures, products

Running Skirt Verdict

Several weeks ago I wrote this post about not understanding the point of Running Skirts. I didn’t actually intend for the post to be taken negatively, I meant it in earnest. Is there more to the skirt than fashion? Was there some sort of function of a skirt that I was unaware of as a newer runner? Whatever my intention in writing the blog, it got noticed … alot. Some people answered the questions I asked as I meant them. Other people told me basically, “don’t knock it until you try it”. People definitely had strong opinions and the mere suggestion that I didn’t understand the point seemed to really bother some people.

Cindy at offered “to skirt” me so I could see what the craze was all about for myself. I was really excited to get my skirt in the mail and I was extra excited when I saw the other goodies they sent me!

The first skirt they sent me felt like it was too small. Actually it fit great everywhere except my stomach. I have some loose skin on my stomach from losing so much weight (gaining and losing … gaining and losing) and it looked really unflattering. There was no way I’d ever be able to wear it out in public, so I called them up, explained the problem and sent the skirt back for a larger size. I asked if I could possibly have a black skirt instead of the pink one to help camouflage my sad sad stomach. For whatever reason they sent me back another pink one, maybe they were out of black. Who knows?

Anyway, the same problem was an issue again, but since I had already sent it back once I decided just to give it a try and see what I thought of it and if I really loved it I could buy a black one later or maybe even one with compression shorts underneath that might look a little more flattering on me.

The first thing I noticed was that the material was very comfortable and felt great on my skin! The pockets in the sides of the skirt were roomy and a great functional idea.

As soon as I started running I realized there was a big problem though, the skirt was sliding off of me as I ran. I pulled it back up, and 2 seconds later it was almost falling off my ass! Obviously the bigger size was too big, even though it still looked too tight in the stomach. I was actually really sad about it, I wanted to love it!

I might give it another try in black and maybe with the compression shorts underneath (but then what’s the point of a skirt) to see if that hides some of the not-so-fab flab.

Overall I felt like the positives definitely outweighed the negatives, and the only negative in my situation was a very unique circumstance due to my weightloss.

If you are thinking about trying a running skirt from I would encourage you to go for it! They seem to be very well made, comfortable and functional.

After I get my tummy tuck (in a few years) its gonna be on with the running skirts! 🙂


Filed under Clothing, products

Skirt Update and Mexican Bliss

The little man and I ran some pretty boring errands today. The only thing that made it worthwhile was stopping for mexican food. A little known fact about me … I can eat mexican food 24/7 and never get tired of it, especially if margaritas are involved. Today they were not.

2010-05-24 11.57.50

I love this particular restaurant because they have a more extensive vegetarian menu than any of the other places I have been to. I had “Vegetarian Quesadilla #1”.

2010-05-24 12.00.19

When we got back home from our errands I was happy to see that my package from Running Skirts had arrived. I was surprised to find that they sent me not only a running skirt, but also a shirt and a headband. A complete running outfit!


Unfortunately the skirt was a little snug and not flattering. I’m going to send it back for the next size up. Hopefully the next size will look better. The material was really comfortable and I was actually getting excited about running in it.

The top is really cute.


And I love the back …


I briefly thought about going to the gym tonight for either an elliptical session or a spinning class, but I ultimately decided to give myself a rest day since I exercised every day last week. Sometimes you just need a break! I truly believe working out is more mentally challenging than physically challenging most of the time, atleast for me.

Tonight will be about spending time with family, vegging out and relaxing. Aaah! 🙂

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Filed under Food, pictures, products

Please Explain

Running skirts. Function? Fashion? Both? … Neither? I do not get. Please explain.



Filed under Clothing, products, Questions

Productive Morning

Thanks to “Ass-naught movie” (i.e. Planet 51), I was able to get some much needed work done around the house this morning.


  • folded and put away 4 loads of clothes
  • washed dishes
  • cleaned the kitchen
  • swept and mopped all the floors
  • cleaned the bedroom

I still need to water my outside plants. I always forget to do that, that’s probably why they are almost dead all of the time.

I’m hoping to spend the afternoon with this book.


Its not nearly as boring as it looks actually. The pages are huge and the writing is tiny but the information is really good. This is the book that I need to learn inside and out to take my National Certification Exam. Not only is the exam part of my 101 in 1001 goals, but I now have committed myself to becoming certified, in writing to my job. I have one year to accomplish this goal, but I’m hoping to have it done much sooner than that … maybe 3 months?

All this housework really brought out my appetite. I’m trying to concentrate on eating really healthy this week, and eat only things that make me feel great. For lunch I had 3 small Stuffed Grape Leaves, Couscous, and leftover grilled veggies.


It was delicious! I’m not sure that I’ve ever actually eaten Couscous before today. I found this kind at … you guessed it … Costco the last time I was there and thought I’d give it a try.


I was really surprised about how flavorful it is! It was definitely the star of lunch. I also really love the simple ingredient list: pearl couscous, baby corn, fresh parsley, red pepper, fresh onion, black olives, canola oil, spices, sea salt, potassium sorbate and lots of love.

The grape leaves come from Costco as well.


They are stuffed with rice, tomatoes, onions and red bell pepper and they are awesome.

Now its study time.

Have you ever taken a big test or earned an optional certification to advance yourself in your career?


Filed under 101 in 1001, Books, Food, pictures, products

101 in 1001

Hello again!

Andrea at Run, Eat, Date, Sleep gave me the most amazing idea today. She has a page on her website called 101 in 1001. I’ve seen the link before, but I’ve never gone to it. Today I checked it out and this is what I found …

The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple challenges such as New Year’s resolutions or a ‘Bucket List’. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities

To create your own list visit Day Zero Project.

I spent most of the afternoon creating my list (its not as easy as it sounds). I am starting my list as of today (March 22, 2010) and it will end on December 17, 2012.

Through making (and completing) this list I hope to in the process make myself a better person, mother, wife and friend and have a lot of fun!

Without further ado, my list …

For Myself

1. Complete a marathon.
2. Complete a triathlon.
3. Pay off all debt except mortgage.
4. Read 50 books.
5. Maintain a weight of 150 lbs or less.
6. Stay current on yearly pap exam. (Due March 2011)
7. Clean out garage.
8. Start a savings to buy a new vehicle with cash.
9. Buy a road bike.
10. Try 5 new things. (0/5)
11. Have a professional massage.
12. Drink only water for 2 weeks. (Does not have to be consecutive). (0/2)
13. Start a retirement fund.
14. Floss everyday for a month. (0/30-31)
15. Update progress on my blog monthly. (0/34)
16. Do something completely alone that I normally wouldn’t do by myself.
17. Try 50 new recipes. (0/50)
18. Plant a garden.
19. Get another tattoo.
20. Create a running scrapbook.
21. Stop swearing for one full month.
22. Have professional family pictures taken.
23. Learn to swim, well.
24. Take a kickboxing class.
25. Make a vegetarian recipe book.
26. Buy 20 new tops/shirts. (0/20)
27. Buy 12 new pairs of pants/jeans. (0/12)
28. Buy 5 new pairs of shoes (not for work or running) (0/5)
29. Buy 3 new dresses/skirts. (0/3)
30. Go to the dentist.
31. Try fondue.
32. Go to a museum.
33. Wear a Halloween costume.
34. Make a new friend.
35. Go on a trail run.
36. Go hiking.
37. Learn to change a tire.
38. Create a to-do list everyday for a month. Finish it. (0/30-31)
39. Go to a play.
40. Listen to a CD/take a class/read a book to learn Spanish.
41. Get a passport.
42. Listen to 3 audiobooks while exercising. (0/3)
43. Make a list of 100 positive things about myself. (0/100)
44. Try Body Pump again.
45. Get my birthmark checked by a Dermatologist.
46. Save all change and cash it in at the end of the 1001 days.
47. Create 3 recipes, submit to Allrecipes. (0/3)
48. Create a filing system for paperwork.
49. Obtain RNC. (National nursing certification in Perinatal nursing)

For Family

50. Leave a nice note to my hubby once a week.
51. Create a time capsule for Lincoln.
52. Go on a date with hubby once a month. (0/34)
53. Start a new tradition.
54. Plan a mother/son activity once a month. (0/34)
55. Go to the movies with hubby, ten times. (Can count toward date nights)(0/10)
56. Cook a meal for a family member that does not live with me.
57. Buy hubby 3 random gifts. (0/3)
58. Make a family photo calendar.
59. Kiss hubby for no specific reason three times a day for a month.
60. Make a list of 100 things I love about my hubby. Leave it where he can find it. (0/100)
61. Start a diary to my son, write in it atleast 50 times. (0/50)
62. Save $5 for each list item completed.
63. Create a will.

For Others

64. Write 5 thank-you/kind notes a month. (0/34)
65. Donate blood, three times. (0/3)
66. Donate clothes/toys twice a year. (0/6)
67. Donate $500 to charity. (0/500)
68. Leave 50 Operation Beautiful notes. (0/50)
69. Inspire atleast 2 other people to create lists. (0/2)
        Please let me know if I have inspired you.
70. Leave a 100% tip.
71. Research charities and choose one to support that is especially meaningful to me.
72. Volunteer my time to a cause I care about.
73. Send flowers to someone.
74. Donate $5 for each list items not completed.
75. Comment on 50 random blogs. (0/50)
76. Cook a meal for a friend.
77. Teach someone how to cook something.
78. Offer to babysit for someone for free.
79. Send Christmas cards each year. (0/3)
80. Send a random care package to someone.

For the Earth

81. Continue a vegetarian diet (except for brainless creatures, i.e. scallops/clams/oysters/mussels).
82. Use re-useable shopping bags, twenty times. (0/20)
83. Recycle all plastic bags.
84. Research ways to “Go Green”, apply three. (0/3)
85. Eat Vegan for one whole day. (0/1)

For Fun 

86. Visit Disney World.
87. Go on a cruise.
88. Go on a couple’s only vacation, twice. (0/2)
89. Ride a rollercoaster.
90. Knit something.
91. Travel to see a friend.
92. Sew something.
93. Send a PostSecret.
94. Fly a kite.
95. Go on 3 day trips. (0/3)
96. Try 10 new restaurants. (0/10)
97. Make homemade canned goods.
98. Spend the night outdoors.
99. Go to/do five new things in my city. (0/5)
100. Buy a food dehydrator and make my own dried fruit/veggies.
101. Make a new 101 in 1001 list.

 I encourage you to make your own list. (And let me know if you do, so that I can count you towards my goal). Just through the process of making the list I have learned alot about myself, who I am, and who I want to become. It’s a very powerful process!

Dinner tonight was Ceasar Salad, Eggplant Parmigiana, Green Beans with Carmelized Burnt Green Beans, and Cibatta Rolls.

The plate is actually much smaller than it appears in the picture. I always make myself eat on a small plate. Its my way of tricking myself into thinking I’m eating more than I actually am. You can pile alot of food on a small plate though, I have found.

My salad featured Texas Toast Salt & Pepper Croutons. I think they are going to be a new obsession!

Forgive the messy hair. It’s my non-do do.

Now its family time. Have a great night!


Filed under 101 in 1001, Food, pictures, products

Road ID Coupon Code

At the last race I ran I won a $15 gift certificate to Road I.D. I’ve been wanting to get one of these for a while for Tim and I both, but I just never got around to it. Good thing I held out!

I think its a great idea to have your name, contact numbers and medical information on you in case of an emergency. If you are unfamiliar with Road ID this is what they look likeI ordered a purple one for myself and a blue one for Tim. Road ID donated a percentage of their profits to charity and you get to chose which charity they donate to for your purchase. I really liked that.

I haven’t received my Road ID in the mail yet, but they sent me an email yesterday with a coupon code to share. The coupon is good for $1 off your order.

The code is: ThanksAmanda616839

It can be used up to 20 times in the next 30 days.

Breakfast was 2 small bran muffins and lunch was a Hummus Salad Plate from Zoe’s Kitchen.

The pic was stolen from here because I didn’t have my camera with me.

Now I’m snacking on chocolate chip cookies, chips and salsa and beer! Not very healthy, but hey … its Super Bowl Sunday.

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Filed under Gear, products